Hardware Support - Older Model TRAX Automatic Traffic Data Recorders
For more than two decades, JAMAR has sold various models of the TRAX automatic data recorder. The currently available model is the TRAX Pinnacle.
Older models (with their production lifespan) include:
TRAX II (1997-1999)
TRAX I (1998-2002)
TRAX III (1999-2003)
TRAX Totalizer (2000-2008)
TRAX Accumulator (2000-2008)
TRAX RD (2001-2005)
TRAX Mite (2001-2005)
TRAX RD Plus (2003-2007)
TRAX I Plus (2003-2007)
TRAX Plus HS (2003-2007)
TRAX Flex HS (2006-2010)
TRAX Apollyon (2008-2021)
TRAX Apollyon GPS
TRAX Apollyon Plus II
TRAX Cycle Plus GPS
Frequently Asked Questions
My computer does not have a serial port for download. What can I do?
Older TRAX recorders used a 9-pin serial port to connect to a computer. Most newer computers no longer have serial ports (having been replaced by USB). To get around this problem, you can use a USB port on your computer by using a USB to Serial Adapter. These devices allow serial peripherals, like older TRAX recorders to interface with a USB port.
There are several of these devices available on-line and at computer stores. (Some customer have experienced trouble with Belkin and Radio Shack brand adapters.) The adapter can also be purchased directly from us as JAMAR part number J-8870.
Most of these devices will come with a device driver that must be installed when the adapter is added to the computer. When installed properly, the computer will assign the adapter a COM port number. This is the number you must select in the JAMAR software for downloading equipment. You can check to see if a COM port number has been installed properly by looking in the computer's Device Manager list under Ports.
My TRAX battery won't hold a charge. Can I change it?
Yes. The rechargeable battery of the older TRAX models can be removed and replaced fairly easily.
The TRAX's rechargeable battery will provide years of good use if it is well maintained. However, even a well maintained battery may eventually need to be replaced. Signs that your TRAX's battery needs to be replaced include:
1. The battery will not charge to its full capacity of 6.4 volts or higher.
2. The battery only holds a charge for a short time under load conditions.
3. The battery discharges faster than normal when the TRAX is off.
If any of these conditions occur with your battery, it should be replaced. Replacement batteries can be ordered directly from us through this web site or by contacting our sales department. The instructions below are for a TRAX Flex data recorder, but the steps are essentially the same for all TRAX recorders.
Step 1 - Remove Screws from Faceplate
To replace the battery of your TRAX, open the lid of the TRAX and make sure the unit is turned off. Then, using a screwdriver, remove the four screws in the corners of the faceplate of the TRAX.
Step 2 -Disconnect current Battery
Next, carefully lift the faceplate up and move it off to the side so that the battery compartment is fully exposed. Disconnect the battery wire connections from the black and red terminals on the battery. When disconnecting, be careful not to pull directly on the wires, but rather on the connectors themselves.
Step 3 -Remove Battery Bracket
Once the battery wires have been disconnected, use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the battery bracket and lift the bracket off.
Step 4 - Remove Battery, Replace with new
With the bracket removed, lift out the old battery and replace it with the new one. When installing the new battery, make sure the battery terminals are toward the top. Once the new battery is in place, replace the battery bracket, then connect the battery wires of the faceplate to the terminals on the battery. Replace the faceplate and screw it back down.
Step 5 - Check Voltage
After you have completed the installation of the battery, turn the TRAX on to make sure it is getting power from the new battery. On the Main Menu, check the battery voltage of the new battery. If it is 6.1 or lower, be sure to fully charge it before using it to do a new study.
What is the difference between the format of the data that can be collected with a TRAX counter?
Depending on the options you selected when purchasing your counters, you may have the ability to collect Volume Only, Binned or Basic data.
Volume Only data can be collected with just one road tube, counting either every axle (Volume Axle) or using the divide-by-two technique (Volume Vehicle). Divide-by-two means that the recorder will increment one for every two axle hits. It will record a two-axle car as one (1) count while a four-axle truck will be recorded as two (2) counts.
Basic Data stores a time stamp of every axle hit that is recorded during a study. This data can then be used in a variety of ways using the TRAXPro software.
Binned information gets its name from the fact that the TRAX sorts the data as it is recorded in the field and stores the results in a specific numerical bin. A minimum of two road tubes must be used, spaced a set distance apart. In this format you can collect vehicle speed information, vehicle classification information, and/or the gap (in seconds) between vehicles. This data can be collected simultaneously or individually.
Binned and Volume Only data require the least amount of processing with the software. Basic (raw) data provides greater flexibility in working with the data but requires more steps in the software.
How important are the road tubes in collecting good data?
Critically important. If you road tubes are damaged, are setup improperly, or are not the correct length, you will not get accurate data.
I did a serial port test on my counter and it failed. Why?
The serial port test requires a test connector to connect pin 2 (the output) to pin 3 (the input) for the test. This test can't be done with the standard download cable, but can by using a standard metal paper clip. To perform the test correctly the 2 & 3 pins of the port must be shorted. A straightened paper clip, that is then folded back at the halfway point, can be used to perform this test. To run the Serial Port test properly take your bent paper clip and carefully insert one end into the pin 2 socket, and the other end into the pin 3 socket.
The GPS coordinates don't appear to be loading into my TRAX Plus unit correctly. Why?
The 'Receiving GPS Data' screen needs to be up on the TRAX Plus display before you connect the GPS device to the TRAX. If the GPS device is connected first, the TRAX may not receive the signal properly.
Can I download data from the TRAX while it is recording in the field?
There are several ways this can be done, depending on the type of TRAX you are using.
If you are using a TRAX Totalizer or TRAX Accumulator, totals can be read directly from the display.
For the TRAX I, TRAX II, TRAX Mite and TRAX RD, you must first turn the unit off, then turn it back on and let it boot up to the Main Menu before downloading your data. Turning the unit off stores the count, and you can then download it to a computer. Once the data is downloaded, you can start up a new count.
The TRAX Plus units give you additional options. With the TRAX Plus, stored files can be downloaded at any time while the display is active. It does not have to be at the Main Menu. You can connect a laptop and retrieve stored files while the current count is still running. If you are using a Data Module, press the DO key while the current count is running and you will be given option to enter the Module Commands screen. You are also given the option to immediately stop the current count and start a new one with the same settings. This allows you to retrieve all the data up to the current time.